Welcome to the Rubber Duckie Lounge

About Us

What's On Tap

Shooter Girl Page

Last Class Bash 05

Halloween Photo's

Party Photo's

More Party Photo's

Old School Party Pictures

Old School Party Pictures 2


Contact Us

Guest Book

To Booze...the cause and solution to all life's problems?
This site is to demonstrate how much fun we are having here at the RDL.
Site Updates
Here is what has been going on at this site lately.

04/08/05 Last Class Bash Party

Added pics form LCB on April 10th
What is the Rubber Duckie Lounge?
Aside from a great time, The Rubber Duckie Lounge or "RDL" as it is often referred to, is a small PRIVATE bar located near the UNB Fredericton Campus. To gain access to this facility, one must either have been invited by a member.

Upcomming Events
Break for Exams...But there is relocation party soon on the horizon

The RDL Logo